Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What day is it?

weather: 71, overcast, light SE winds
route: Thiensville (counter-clockwise)
time & distance: 2:05, 34.5
critter report: 6 bunnies, 3 fawns, 1 scrappy and scary springer dog

Monkey's first day of a well-deserved vacation and this rare occasion was marked by a fine, long ride. But, since they normally do such routes on a Sunday, both Owl and Monkey were decidedly confused by the heavier traffic on I-43 and Lake Drive. Poor working slobs trudging to the office during rush hour while the Intrepid Pair indulge in a life of leisure!

The trek to Thiensville was altogether pleasant and both Owl and Monkey encountered no troubles on any of the hills. Owl commented afterwards that it was most encouraging to put in nearly 35 miles and have it feel like a comparative breeze.

This ride was the first of the season to Thiensville which is an altogether charming town and Owl certainly would have no objection to living there (except that it is notoriously conservative). Yet, there are lovely little shops, cafes like Fiddleheads, pretty Victorian homes, and one Pink Flamingo Garden!

1 comment:

Max said...

Don't forget about the biker in the viking helmet!