Sunday, August 3, 2008

Summer or fall?

weather: 57-68, clear, light NNE winds
route: Thiensville, clockwise
time & distance: 2:10, 34.5
critter report: 3 bunnies, 1 deer, 1 heron, 1 black-tailed cat, 1 dog mid-poop

Despite the promise of an 80 degree August day, the early morning had a decidedly autumnal feel to it. The temperature at the Pair's abode was a balmy 63, but - as they ventured north and towards the river - it dropped down to a downright chilly 57. Adding to the fallish feel was the promise of NFL Preseason Football on the teevee tonight (go Colts!) and passing by Concordia University which is hosting the St. Louis Rams' summer training camp. Was Owl sensing something extraordinary this morning with her choice of pre-ride online teevee selection whilst knitting? Instead of her usual TPIR (on summer hiatus), she opted for watching a replay of the 2008 Orange Bowl game featuring Virginia Tech and Kansas. Football season cannot come fast enough for one member of the Intrepid Duo!

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